Wednesday, January 6, 2016


wow...results are in.

i'm not menopausal.

for real?  yeah, for real.

seems like chemo does something to everything.... it depletes it stops your periods.  yeah, and it has taken my body this long for it to regulate itself.

so, there's that.

and my thyroid is perfect.


oh well.

so, anyway, i am to go into the gyno if my periods get worse, more heavy, or more painful.

until then...... it's all ok.



went to the gynecologist to-day.

the office wasn't close by, and i didn't quite give myself enough time to get there.  there was no worries, though.  by the time i got there, many people were saying the same thing ....."traffic bad.  left turn signals slow.  sorry."

there was much understanding.

i waited in the waiting room long enough to finish the patient form, then was called back by the nurse.

i got my weight done, and my blood pressure.  (120 over something or the other.)   the nurse asked me a few questions, then  i was told to disrobe, and put on a backward gown,

the gown covered one side of me, like some bad bob mackie design.  luckily, i had a drape for my legs, to cover up most of what i was being seen for.

then the lady gyno came in.

she was shorter than her profile picture.  a little older.  sure of herself, and patient.  not as appreciative of humour as her nurse was, but i'm used to that.  (nurses are the best opening acts ever, with great one liners, and steady hands.)

the gyno was able to look at all that had happened to me, because her, and the oncologist used the same chart system online.  so, she was even able to see my pet scan results.  a great innovation!

she said she wasn't worried about the light up on my left side.  she agreed with me over the fact that there was no such thing as a perfect pet scan... the body's always fighting somewhere.

then came the exam.

she checked my breasts, and told me they would call me to schedule a mammogram.  she checked the front of my body, in the groin area.  then..... she did a pap smear, and checked me internally.

i didn't cry.  i didn't feel ashamed.  i didn't clench up, or tremble.  i guess after all that's happened, things like that go by the wayside.

gyno said that rchop has been known to speed menopause on through, but she wanted to take a blood test to be sure.  (apparently, something in your blood can tell when you've gone through the change.)  also, i think she said she was going to check my thyroid, because if i had radiation under my arm, then that area may be affected.

and that..... was that.

i dressed, and went to the receptionist.  i was going to ask her how to access my chart, but she was on the phone.  i waited.

while i waited, i saw a mother with three children in the waiting room.

"don't hit.  don't hit him." she said, evenly. "you think i'm afraid to spank you in front of all these people? no.  don't hit. don't. "

"oh, it's ok.  she can hit me if she wants to." (that was her slightly older brother, sweet voice, and placating.)  "see....she's just giving me a high five on my shoulder.  see?"

how beautiful some children can be....

it was talking longer than anticipated to wait for the receptionist, and i still had to get lab work done, and i was hella hungry, so i just motioned "that's ok" to her, and left.

then, the oncologist's nurse called me on the phone.

i told the nurse what i asked her to call for (basically, the lumps on my arm had gone away.)  after much hesitation (involving a call for lab work that she needed to find out more about), she finally told me that i didn't need to come in until the next pet scan in march.

thank goodness.

the lab had a full waiting room.  they asked for your id, your insurance card, and told you to write down what time you came in.

i waited twenty minutes, and then someone called my name.

i was taken back, and given my insurance card.

wrong one.  wrong me.  sorry.

i went back out into the waiting room, and i swear i took a nap....then they called me again.

one stab, and i was out of there, with a cotton ball, and that strong ass tape that takes off skin as a parting gift.

oh, well.

results should come in to-morrow, or the next day.  one more thing taken care of.....