Tuesday, April 8, 2014

blessing: hats

i have found that the hats i bought for now fit different now that i have no hair.  i have a black beret that dips more to the side, and looks awesome.  i have a sparkling gold hat that i almost didn't buy, but am super glad i did.

and there's this hat....which makes me happy to-day.  it makes me feel like i can do this.... and, in looking relatively normal and fitting in, i feel better about going out.  the lady at the bagel shop was nice, and kind, and not in a condescending way.  no one looked at me in a sneaking, "omg she's sick" way, but in a "cool... neat hat" way.

maybe i can fool some of the people some of the time...... 

1 comment:

  1. You look AWESOME! Those beautiful eyes and that cocky smirk really set off your new look. :)
