Friday, September 12, 2014


early morning sprinkles.  early morning rain.  things are the same, but different little by little each day.

i'm working with a published author, who's still getting used to our busy library.  i asked him how he's doing the other day.  he said he felt like a bicycle tire on a semi truck.  i totally understood what he was talking about.  it was within me to talk about writing with him, since i'm a poet, but i've held myself back so far.  don't want to overwhelm the guy.

went in for radiation to-day, and it was quick and easy.  there was a lady waiting ahead of me (it may or may not have been the long haired lady of yesterday, but i couldn't tell, because she had a rhoda scarf on to-day.)  she had her legs crossed, and was knee deep in a book, so i greeted her, and let her be. ( you don't have to talk to everyone, jamison :) )

my session on the plank was quick...especially since they marked me up to high heaven yesterday.  so, that was good.

don't have too much more to write about things.  i didn't sleep well last night because i had coffee too late in the day.  my left leg is better, and is better still when i don't fold my legs to-gether.  school is going good... better now that i wake this early.  perhaps a poem will slip out to-day, but i won't force it.  this weekend brings a trip to the museum, and work on sunday.

i just wish i wasn't on edge so much.  more sleep will help.... hopefully i can catch up on it, soon....

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