Monday, March 3, 2014

tips and tricks

i asked the people from the lymphoma facebook group what they wish they were told about chemo. i got a lot of responses, and much encouragement. i don't want to write down specific stories (i value their privacy) but here is some advice they gave me:

stay on top of your nausea. take all the pre-meds they give you. (concentrate on taking them around the clock for those first five chemo days.) ginger tea helps with nausea, as well as miso soup. weak green tea, and room temperature gatorade are also good choices.

drink drink drink. stay hydrated, because that's what washes away the poisons that you're voluntarily giving your body.

the fatigue you will feel will be unlike any that you'll ever feel. you will feel like the walking dead. obey your sleep, and rest all you need.

you will lose your hair. (someone said the first week, another said after the second chemo.) i know this is a basic fact, but there are people out there that say "no way! not me!" it's best to face facts. there are free wigs you can get from the american cancer society. there is also a head covering called a buff that's awesome looking. ( ) use baby shampoo on your head, and body. also, you'll need sunscreen for your head.

limit your contact to people, and nurse your immune system, because it's gone.

stay on top of your constipation. it can get pretty bad pretty quickly. up your fiber, drink water, and use stool softeners. eating small meals helps, too....whatever you can tolerate.

mouth sores are a big problem. biotene mouthwash helps with this. they should have you eat a popsicle, or munch on ice when you get the "red devil" medicine to help prevent mouth sores. also the vitamin selenium (100-200mg a day.)

don't put too much pressure on yourself. it's harmful, especially with your brain. chemo brain.

the shot they give you after chemo to build up your white blood cells can hurt your larger bones. (either the drug neupogen or nulasta) tylenol will help with this. claritin helps a lot with this, too.

claritin or allegra helps with the flu-like symptoms you will have. also, epsom salt baths will relax you.

making a spreadsheet of the medicines you have will help you know when you took what. this also helps the caregivers help you.

during chemo, bring a book to read. laptop. your own music to listen to. hard lemon candy or peppermint gum to enjoy. a cozy blanket that's personal to you.

there were some things said over and over again... tell the doctor when you think something's wrong. rest when you need to... drink lots and lots.... and mostly.... you will survive this. there is hope.

i want to get as much ready as possible...because i know at a certain point i won't be myself anymore... and i won't remember anything. it was great to get all this inside information.... it eases the worries i have in my mind.

well....almost, anyway...

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